In addition to on-premise training and other tailored services, HighGear offers monthly HighGear Administrator training at our main office in Frederick, MD. These events are ideal for JobTraQ customers with only one administrator, organizations who want to set up a pilot system, or established JobTraQ clients who want to send a new JobTraQ administrator to be trained to join their team.

These events cover the same topics as our basic on-site training package. The pace varies depending on the needs of the attendees, but administrators will finish the training with a clear understanding of all the JobTraQ concepts they need.

These three-day events cost $1500 per person, with an optional fourth day covering the JobTraQ Business Intelligence Module for an additional $500 per person. Lunch is provided each day, and a discounted corporate hotel rate is available through a recommended nearby facility.

The event schedule is listed below. Registration for each event is open until three weeks before the event’s start date. If fewer than four people are registered for a particular event, the event may be cancelled, and those attendees will be automatically registered for the next session.

If you would like to attend, please email for more details.

Training Event Schedule:

Currently, the monthly training is held on the 3rd week of each month, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (and the optional Thursday class).

Note: On months when a U.S. National Holiday conflicts with this schedule, another week will be selected.  We also reserve the right to reschedule the monthly training in order to better meet the needs of our clients, provided that no registrations have already bee confirmed, so please wait for us to confirm your registration before booking travel arrangements.

Schedule Consultation