Streamline Systems

Minimize Mistakes

Reduce operational inefficiencies, improve data accuracy, and enhance compliance without sacrificing quality or needing specialized staff.

Trusted by leading energy companies worldwide

Costly Consequences: Are Spreadsheets and Old Apps Slowing You Down?

Identifying Operational Roadblocks

  • Regulatory Complexity: Are increasingly stringent environmental and regulatory standards challenging operations?
  • Market Volatility: Does your current solution struggle to manage disrupted supply chains and price fluctuations?
  • Technological Integration: Are your legacy systems difficult to integrate with, complicating your digital transformation efforts?
  • Workforce Challenges: Do you have modern processes in place to properly onboard and ensure the safety of your workforce?
  • Audit Concerns: Have recent audits revealed significant red flags or compliance issues that could risk your operations?

Quantifying the Business Impact

  • Lost Opportunities: Inefficiencies cause missed critical business opportunities, impacting your bottom line.
  • Reputational Damage: Regulatory breaches can irreparably damage a company’s public image.
  • Revenue and Capacity Barriers: Impaired operational capability hinders efforts to expand revenue streams.
  • Decision-Making Delays: Inefficient processes lead to inferior decision-making and costly delays.
  • Organizational Friction: Outdated technology causes friction and impedes smooth operational flow.

Customer Testimonials

Since deploying HighGear, we’ve been able to increase workload without having to add any additional staff. It saves each of us several hours a week tracking data, checking status, and reporting out to upper management.


Barry Petersen

Engineering Manager, Lower Colorado River Authority

Multi-year activities are now tracked in one system, which has eliminated the risk of missing commitments that may need to be completed many years into the future. We are also better able to meet commitment deadlines by gaining visibility over work assigned to internal staff and third-party service providers.

Commitment and Compliance Coordinator

Top NA Energy Company

We use HighGear as our main tracking and compliance tool to ensure we meet the regulatory and compliance guidelines of our governing bodies. Everything is tracked and we can have confidence that the data has been vetted and is accurate.


Leah Tanner

Committment Coordinator, TC Energy

How is HighGear Different?

Efficiency and flexibility have never been more crucial, but traditional workflows struggle to keep up. HighGear’s no-code workflow management system helps you streamline operations, boost efficiency, track the data you need, and never miss a reporting deadline.

End to End Process Automation

Rapidly deploy and securely manage end to end processes.

  • Manage Cross-department Work Activities, Reviews, and Approvals
  • Full traceability
  • Visual Drag and Drop Workflow Designer
  • Configurable Dashboards
  • Notifications, Alerts & Escalations
  • Integrate with Enterprise Business Applications (ERP, CRM, RPA, HRIS)

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Operational Excellence

Increase efficiency across your organization.

  • Easily setup and schedule jobs
  • Track jobs from quote to first article, to shop floor, to customer delivery
  • Enhance quality management
  • Reduce manufacturing costs and cycle time
  • Information is organized, easily accessible, and available when needed

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Status Tracking and Reporting

HighGear dashboard showing graphs and a list of jobs in production

Quickly assign tasks, manage work, track progress status, and report KPIs across departments.

  • Real-time project and task visibility
  • Automatic report distribution
  • Escalations and alerts
  • Effective activity prioritization & delegation
  • Work-oriented team chat & collaboration

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Audit and Compliance

HighGear provides a non-repudiated record of compliance.

  • Every change from individual work history to system wide configurations is recorded
  • Full audit trail
  • Detailed activity logs
  • Decrease audit time and expense
  • Successful audit outcomes achieved

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Pioneering the Future of Energy


7 Steps for Building Stakeholder Buy-In for Workflow Automation

Download our free eBook to learn seven steps for building stakeholder buy-in and a credible business case for investing in…

Case Study


Automating Energy Pipeline Commitment Tracking and Regulatory Reporting

One of the largest energy companies in North America transports more than 25 percent of daily natural gas production across…


A group of people on a business meeting in the office

Types of Workflow Management Systems

Workflow management systems are excellent tools for simplifying business processes and ensuring that tasks are completed...

What can HighGear do to accelerate your energy process?

Hit the Ground Running with Pre-built, Configurable Process Templates

built for business users

Construction Compliance Template


Pipeline Commitment Tracking Template

approved by IT

Non-Conformance Management Template

approved by IT

Regulatory Reporting Template

We have developed a library of process templates to fit just about any business use case. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact our Sales team about getting a template developed specifically for your process.

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