Conquer Compliance

Promote Progress

Enhance transparency, ensure compliance, and deliver faster, more reliable services to citizens with streamlined government processes.

Trusted by leading government agencies

Are Outdated Processes Slowing You Down?

Identifying Operational Roadblocks

  • Policy Updates: Are your current solutions not agile enough to adapt to constantly changing regulations and policies?
  • Security Threats: Does your organization currently rely on software with outdated security protocols?
  • Operational Efficiency: Are bottlenecks and complex bureaucratic processes standing in the way of getting work done?
  • Data Management: Is your organization siloed, complicating the sharing and analysis of data?
  • Audit Concerns: Have recent audits revealed significant red flags or compliance issues that could risk your operations?

Quantifying the Organizational Impact

  • Loss of Trust: Inaccuracies and communication breakdowns can affect trust internally and externally.
  • Regulatory Pressures: Failing to adhere to complex guidelines can be costly and resource-draining.
  • Maintenance Costs: Legacy systems are inefficient and expensive to maintain.
  • Sustainability Issues: Poorly managed processes struggle to stand up across leadership and staff changes.
  • Organizational Friction: Delays, errors, and miscommunications cause friction and impede smooth operational flow.

Customer Testimonials

HighGear has delivered exactly what they promised. We built a workflow solution with people on our team who had no coding skills, and we’re now expanding HighGear into other departments.


Omer Soykin

Deputy Chief of Operations, NYC Law Department

We were given a two-year deadline for worldwide implementation, but we achieved that in less than half the time thanks to HighGear’s ease of use. In training, we had users mastering the program is less than a day.
Mike Ward

Quality Data Systems Administrator, Defense Logistics Agency

How is HighGear Different?

Efficiency and flexibility have never been more crucial, but traditional workflows struggle to keep up. HighGear’s no-code workflow management system helps you streamline operations, boost efficiency, track the data you need, and never miss a reporting deadline.

End to End Process Automation

Rapidly deploy and securely manage end to end processes.

  • Manage Cross-department Work Activities, Reviews, and Approvals
  • Full traceability
  • Visual Drag and Drop Workflow Designer
  • Configurable Dashboards
  • Notifications, Alerts & Escalations
  • Integrate with Enterprise Business Applications (ERP, CRM, RPA, HRIS)

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Operational Excellence

Increase efficiency across your organization.

  • Easily setup and schedule jobs
  • Track jobs from quote to first article, to shop floor, to customer delivery
  • Enhance quality management
  • Reduce manufacturing costs and cycle time
  • Information is organized, easily accessible, and available when needed

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Status Tracking and Reporting

HighGear dashboard showing graphs and a list of jobs in production

Quickly assign tasks, manage work, track progress status, and report KPIs across departments.

  • Real-time project and task visibility
  • Automatic report distribution
  • Escalations and alerts
  • Effective activity prioritization & delegation
  • Work-oriented team chat & collaboration

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Audit and Compliance

HighGear provides a non-repudiated record of compliance.

  • Every change from individual work history to system wide configurations is recorded
  • Full audit trail
  • Detailed activity logs
  • Decrease audit time and expense
  • Successful audit outcomes achieved

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

Pioneering the Future of Government


7 Steps for Building Stakeholder Buy-In for Workflow Automation

Download our free eBook to learn seven steps for building stakeholder buy-in and a credible business case for investing in…


Modernizing Government

Modernizing Government In the digital age, government entities face increasing pressure to modernize their operations to...
A young businesswoman working on her laptop

Benefits of Workflow Management Software

At some time or another, you’ve probably witnessed painful project, task, and communication slowdowns within your company...

What can HighGear do to accelerate your government process?

Hit the Ground Running with Pre-built, Configurable Process Templates

built for business users

Contract Management Template


Data Call Template

approved by IT

Employee Onboarding Template

approved by IT

Regulatory Reporting Template

We have developed a library of process templates to fit just about any business use case. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact our Sales team about getting a template developed specifically for your process.

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