HighGear Blog
Accelerate Digital Transformation & Innovation Through Lean BPM
Innovation is crucial to business performance and success and Digital Transformation is the precursor to creating the...
Business Decision Management (BDM) and BPM’s Innovation Intersection
We talk a lot about process management and optimization, and while enterprises and a sizeable chunk of mid-range companies...
Applying Lean through Workflow Automation and Emergent Design
Large scale workflow automation deployments do pose significant challenges, leading to delay or abandonment of the strategy, but...
Enterprise Task Management By The Worker For The Worker
Enterprise task management systems promise to deliver organization, efficiency, and work visibility, however a common issue is...
Defeating Procrastination and Improving Organizational Task Management
I am in my fourth decade of work and I still must deal with the issue of procrastination on a personal level. While I have...
The Three Major Reasons for Using Lean BPM for Compliance
There are two major challenges facing compliance teams and auditors: establish what happened and put in place controls to...
Managing Increasing Complexity in the Digital Age with Lean BPM’s Emergent Approach
Digital transformation is promoted as the way forward for more effective management, increasing efficiencies, better customer...
The 5 Core Benefits of Work Automation
Gaining executive buy-in and sponsorship for any strategic proposal is almost always the most important step towards project...
Streamlining Government Through Shared Services
One of the Trump administration directives is that for each new law or regulation, two existing ones must be retired – this is...
Lean BPM for Lean Government as Trump’s Hiring Freeze Bites
Back in November, we covered the effect of the Federal spending freezes on the delivery of services, and especially the need for...
Enterprise Task Management Benefits for Employees
When we are looking at deploying tools and solutions in the enterprise, the focus is typically on "What is in this for the...
Sarbanes-Oxley: Trust is Not a Control
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance is onerous, with heavy penalties that include more than large dollar fines, but serious jail...