HighGear Blog
Implementing Continuous Improvement with Lean BPM
Business process improvement is a systematic technique that an organization can use to iteratively optimize its processes to...
Does the Cost of a Failed Deployment Matter More Than the Price of Software?
When you are searching for a new software product to solve a problem, you probably focus on two things: features and cost. I...
The Build vs. Buy Software Decision
Mark Porter is the UX Lead on the HighGear dev team - he was instrumental in developing HighGear's visual workflow, and is...
How Workflow Management can Increase Efficiency, Visibility & Productivity
Workflow management essentially deals with the automation of business processes, and the allocation of work across your staff in...
Improving Customer Experience with Standardized Business Processes
I spoke with my credit card company today, because the card I had ordered had not arrived. This was the second time I’d called...
Why We Chose to Build HighGear in F#
For many developers, working in the Microsoft .Net framework means using C# or perhaps Visual Basic. However, there’s a new...
How to Optimize Your Department’s Resource Utilization
Most organizations wish their employees could achieve a higher level of utilization. There are horror stories about teams that...
Why I Stopped Coding to Focus on User Experience
I love programming. I get to spend my days talking to computers. They do exactly what you say. They don’t make mistakes or...
Compliance Management Made Simple with Lean BPM
by Carl Casserly Do compliance managers have special super powers that compel every employee within an organization to think...
Can You Achieve Continuous Improvement with a BPMS?
The limiting factor on continuous improvement is no longer the BPMS technology – Lean BPM allows design and modification to take...
How Can You See Your Organization’s Status On-Demand?
It's 3 AM, you fall in and out of sleep after a tough day managing your department. Your phone rings, it's your boss. She's been...
Why Should You Create an Environment for Failure?
“Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan,” so said Napoleon Bonaparte, and I personally always tend to hide a smirk...