HighGear eBooks

7 Ways Workflow Automation Helps Regulatory Compliance

For manufacturers still relying on manual processes or outdated systems, workflow automation is emerging as a game-changing solution for avoiding protocol management bottlenecks.

Breaking the Mold: Why Big ERPs may soon be a thing of the past

Until recently, high-mix, low-volume manufacturers looking to track, manage, and execute work were restricted to high cost, low flexibility ERPs or resource-intensive custom-built solutions.

5 Reasons Why Manufacturers Need Workflow Automation

This free guide provides five reasons why manufacturers should implement no-code workflow automation to dramatically streamline operations, reduce inefficiencies and achieve digital transformation.

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5 Reasons Enterprises Need Workflow Automation

This free guide provides five reasons why enterprises should implement no-code workflow automation to dramatically streamline operations, reduce inefficiencies and achieve digital transformation.

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5 Essentials of Enterprise Workflow Automation

This free guide was written to help organizations understand which enterprise-grade requirements are essential when exploring no-code alternatives to traditional application development.

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7 Steps for Building Buy-In for Workflow Automation

Download our free eBook to learn seven steps for building stakeholder buy-in and a credible business case for investing in no-code workflow automation to overcome internal resistance to change.

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