Business Process Management
Design custom business processes without the cost or complexity of traditional BPM solutions.
The Best of BPM in Minutes Not Months
Quickly design, deploy and change business processes with an intuitive, easy-to-use platform purpose-built for everyday business users to manage their own processes without burdening their IT departments.
Powerful Platform
Consider a proven platform that is more powerful than pre-built software and less complex than BPM solutions.
Affordable Alternative
Choose an affordable BPM alternative that is more cost effective to buy than to build a homegrown IT solution.
Rapid Deployment
Achieve faster time-to-market with our cloud-based platform or deploy our IT-friendly, on-premise solution.
Visual Workflow
If you can draw a business process on a piece of paper, you can design a working business process in HighGear. Businesses analysts are able to easily design processes from scratch, modify workflows in response to customer needs and push changes to production immediately without requiring IT resources.

Easy to Deploy
HighGear’s scalable, web-based platform is available as an IT-ready, on-premise solution or hosted, cloud-based SaaS subscription and is deployed in less than a tenth of the time of a traditional BPM solution.