Enterprise Task Management

Easily collaborate with colleagues about ongoing tasks and see team activity updates in real time.

HighGear Collaboration Workflow

Spend More Time on High-Value Tasks

Spend less time on manual, repetitive, time-consuming, low-level tasks and eliminate the need for managing work and tracking progress with paper forms, e-mail and spreadsheets.

Workflow Management Software you can use!

Assigned Work Queues

Take the guesswork out of which tasks to prioritize, what work to complete and when items are due.

Workflow Management Software you can use!

Task Routing

Automatically route tasks to the next team member when work is completed without sending e-mails.

Workflow Management Software you can use!

E-mail Notifications

Receive task notifications when work is scheduled and escalation alerts when work is late.

Task Lists

Quickly assign tasks, manage work, track progress and report the status of activity across dozens of departments in real-time. Easily collaborate with colleagues about ongoing tasks from one central location and see team activity updates in real-time.

Digital Asset Management

Easily upload documents, archive files and associate digital assets with any task or project. Team members are notified when new file versions are uploaded and can retrieve files based on their permissions.

Workflow Automation

Easily automate internal business processes, assign tasks to team members and hand off projects from one department to the next. HighGear eliminates the possibility of work being forgotten, getting lost or falling through the cracks, so everyone’s on the same page.

HighGear notifications


HighGear provides e-mail notifications about the status of tasks and projects, whether your team uses HighGear or not. Easily keep stakeholders and customers “in the loop” without needing to schedule “status updates,” to reduce the risk of miscommunication and keep all of your projects on track.


Real-Time Reporting

HighGear provides business unit managers and team leads with complete transparency, accountability and visibility across the entire enterprise. Easily access in-depth analytics, real-time metrics and drill-down reporting and gain access to the most up-to-date picture of your organization’s business activities.


Enterprise-Grade Workflow Application

Easily Create Forms, Design Processes
and Automate Workflows

Shift into HighGear and start building your workflows the easy way.

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