HighGear delivers healthcare process optimization and case management performance improvement into the hands of stakeholders.
Lean BPM for healthcare stakeholders provides the ability to respond quickly and effectively to rapidly changing legislative and regulatory regimes, In addition, operational decision makers can continuously improve core processes which support administration, cost reimbursement and clinical practices. While ensuring full compliance with professional, regulatory and legal standards (including HIPAA).
Healthcare BPM empowers operational decision makers with the ability to adapt and modify critical processes in a fraction of the time traditional BPMS’ require. Furthermore, full visibility into healthcare processes is provided, including enforcement of standards and procedural rules while maintaining a full audit trail and compliance record.
Finally, adaptive technology, BI and fully customizable reporting provides decision makers with the ability to act and intercede on a timely basis, whenever the situation requires it.
Healthcare Regulatory Compliance
- Maintain effective compliance using automated workflows and business processes combined with logical task management functionality.
- Patient information and data security are achieved with a secure work platform utilizing role-based permissions for access and complying with a host of security standards (including ISO, ITIL, NIST 800-53, SOX and SAS 70).
- Regulatory audits made painless with automated and fully-customizable reporting, backed by a non-repudiable audit trail and overview of all processes across the healthcare operation, complete process data and full documentation in one repository.
- PCI compliance is achieved with user and role-based permissions providing data access only to those authorized to have access, whether internal or external to the operation.
- Breach management is made more effective through a series of standardized rules and processes for protocols.
Case Management
- Increase speed to solution and outcome with continuously-improved processes and workflow routing.
- Improve care coordination with secure access to information generated across the healthcare operation, and held in one work platform.
- Increase knowledge sharing across the operation in a secure, managed fashion which does not allow unauthorized data access.
- Enjoy resource utilization across departments, teams and individual staff members and identify workloads, performance and potential bottlenecks in advance.
- Increase speed and accuracy of case management files with data capture and secure file-sharing.
Records Management
- Patient-centric healthcare operations with a 360-view of the patient and their care.
- Unify your patient view with information gathered from across the operation, including billing, care delivery and EMR.
- Improve PCI compliance by enhancing existing EMR and improved security surrounding access to sensitive patient data and healthcare information.
- Allow caregivers secure access to healthcare information where authorized and required.
- Centralized Mobile data and healthcare information for authorized access on any device.
Process Management
- Increase profitability using workflow automation for core business processes, improving operational performance, effectiveness and quality.
- Uncover hidden costs of your operation by gaining full visibility into your processes and workflows.
- Improve billing accuracy and speed up claims payment using fully-automated workflows leveraging complete information collected on one platform across the operation.